Student Handbook
- Address & Phone Numbers
- Greeting
- Mission, Beliefs, and Vision
- Message from the Principal
- Arrival and Dismissal Information
- Assessments: Amira / Early Screener
- Attendance
- Bullying
- Child Nutrition
- Clinic and Medication Guidelines
- Communication
- Delayed and Emergency Closing of School
- E-Learning Days
- Dress Guidelines
- Due Process and Student Discipline
- Field Trips
- Fire, Tornado, Lockdown Drills
- Homework
- Items Brought to School
- Language Assistance Program
- Library and Classroom Books
- Non-Custodial Parents
- Parent Volunteer Program / Parent Teacher Organization
- Parent Liaison
- Personal Property Responsibility
- Racism
- Recess
- Report Cards
- School Bus
- School-Wide Behavior
- Social Media
- Student Code of Conduct
- Student Supports
- Technology
- Technical Resources Acceptable Use
- Tobacco Free Campus
- Vandalism and Property Damage
- Visitors
Address & Phone Numbers
271 N. Sigsbee Street
Indianapolis, IN 46214
Fax: 317-484-3122
24-Hour Attendance Line:317-988-6950
Westlake, Building Tomorrow’s Leaders, Today!
Greetings! We are so very excited as we enter into the 2024-2025 school year. We continue to strive to create the most amazing learning environment for all our students. To do so we know a partnership with families is absolutely necessary and we thank you for sharing your students with us on this journey.
We know that communication between home and school will be critical. Please monitor your ParentSquare™ account, watch the district website, and be active with our PTO. Also, please plan to like the Westlake Facebook page and follow our school’s Twitter account @wle_elem1955 to keep up with all the great things that happen at Westlake and in our community. The deep partnerships that develop between home and school help to ensure the success of all of our students!
Mission, Beliefs, and Vision
Wayne Township
Mission: To activate and accelerate student learning.
Vision: To develop GREAT people!
Beliefs: We believe in the power of belonging, collaboration, and growth.
Growth - We create conditions for data driven growth for both students and staff
Equity - We provide a human-centered and culturally responsive system
Integrity - We say what we mean and follow through on our commitments to ourselves and others
Trust - We invest in in our relationships to earn trust
High Expectations - We engage in a productive struggle to reach our full potential.
Message from the Principal
Westlake continues to purposefully provide instructional experiences that meet the educational needs of ALL students! It is exciting to see the way our students from all walks of life collaboratively engage in meaningful learning experiences. It is gratifying to know that we are preparing our students for the world of tomorrow.
We are proud of the staff’s focus on professional development in language arts, mathematical practices, and social-emotional learning. Westlake strives to be “The BEST Elementary in the City!” We desire to provide our students with the BEST education possible!
Mr. Robert Irvine
Mrs. Alicia Erwin
Assistant Principal
Arrival and Dismissal Information
School Schedule: 7:30 a.m. to 2:20 p.m.
Earliest students may be dropped off at 7:15 a.m.
Student pick-up time is 2:20 p.m.
Office Hours are from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Student drop-off begins at 7:15 a.m. and student pick-up begins at 2:20 p.m. in the south parking lot. Please do not drop students off early. Students may be dropped off in the morning during morning car rider procedure no earlier than 7:15 a.m. We do not have staff available until 7:10 a.m. and do not want students to be left unsupervised.
Student Drop-Off/Pick-Up
Drop-Off (South Parking Lot)
● Students are not to arrive before 7:15 a.m.
● If you need to accompany your child into the school, please park in the lot and enter the building.
Pick-Up (South Parking Lot)
● All students traveling by car will be released by school personnel at the regular dismissal time.
● All adults picking up students should have a sign with students' names printed in their window.
● Students will wait at the south door until your car pulls around in the line.
● Follow all directions given by staff.
● Do not pull in front of waiting cars.
● Do not pull around cars to exit
● Do not park and leave your car at the curb—remain with your car at all times, as the cars will keep advancing forward.
● At 2:35 p.m. all remaining students will return to the school office. You must park and come in to sign your child out.
Drop-Off (North Parking Lot)
● Do not drop off students in the north parking lot. If you can’t wait in the car rider line, you must park your car and walk your child to the front entrance of the building.
Arrival and Dismissal: Communication
Students must have a note or we must receive a phone call (NO LATER THAN 1:45 P.M.) if your child is to go home other than their normal way. Without a note or phone call, we will send your child home their normal way.
Arrival and Dismissal: Safety
Our student and staff safety at arrival and dismissal is our utmost priority. Adults driving must adhere to all directions provided by staff and heed all signs and verbal directions. Passing on the left of other cars is not permitted unless signaled by staff that it is safe to do so. Failure to follow all traffic protocols may result in your inability to drop off/pick up in our car rider line or contact with school safety and security officials.
Assessments: Amira / Early Screener
Amira / Early Screener
Amira’s reading benchmark assessments are given to students in kindergarten, first and second grade. Teachers utilize this data to implement appropriate instruction. This data is reviewed by a team of people to respond and support students as needed. Contact your child’s teacher with questions.
The purpose of the Indiana Reading Evaluation And Determination (IREAD-3) assessment is to measure foundational reading standards through grade three. Based on the Indiana Academic Standards, IREAD-3 is a summative assessment that was developed in accordance with Public Law 109. Public Law 109 "requires the evaluation of reading skills for students who are in grade three to ensure that all students can read proficiently before moving on to grade four”. Students who fail the IREAD3 assessment are recommended to attend summer school in June.
Indiana Statewide Testing for Educational Progress is referred to as the ILEARN test. The ILEARN test administered based on Indiana’s Academic Standards. Copies of these standards are available online at the Indiana Department of Education.
The ILEARN assessment takes several days for students to complete. It is important that students get a good night’s sleep and eat a healthy breakfast to be at their best for the test. Students will be assessed each year in April/May. For more details, visit or contact your child’s teacher.
NWEA is a formative assessment that K-3 students take 3 times a year. Students take assessments in both ELA and Math. Fifth and sixth grade students are also assessed in the area of Science. The purpose of this assessment is to shows individual growth toward various standards.
Access / WIDA
As required by the No Child Left Behind Act, the annual Access assessment is administered to all Limited English Proficient students in the State of Indiana. This assessment measures annual growth in the English language domains of listening, speaking, reading, writing, and comprehension. The Access English proficiency Assessment is linked to Indiana’s K-12 English Language Proficiency Standards and given in January and February. Students in kindergarten through sixth grade are assessed using this state test. Parents can review their student’s assessment results on Skyward. Click on the Skyward link at
As needed, students participate in the following Department of Education Assessments. The assessment information is used to inform instruction and determine student proficiency. Below is a list of the Department of Education Specialized Assessments given to select groups of students. For more information refer to the specific test name in this Family Guide or the Department of Education website.
High Ability: 2nd and 6th Grade in January
High Ability: Kindergarten in March
WIDA/Access: K-6 in January & February
Teachers administer a complete reading level assessment three times each school year. Reading accuracy, comprehension, and fluency are all measured. Teachers share results with students and parents.
We believe reading is fundamental to school success. We set high goals for reading growth and expect to meet those goals. Students’ progress is reviewed frequently and is considered as a part of our MTSS process.
If your child is absent from school, please call the 24-Hour Attendance Line at 988-6950 before 10 a.m. Homework requests need to be made at this time. If contact is not made between the school and the parent, your child will automatically receive an unexcused absence for that day. Absences are classified as excused for the following three reasons only:
- Illness of the child
- Death in the family
- Serving as a page in the Indiana Legislature
All other absences, including vacations, are unexcused. Vacations should be planned during scheduled school breaks. Township policy requires the school to send notification when a child has five absences and nine absences (excused or unexcused). After nine absences, you will need to provide medical documentation for all absences. Students who continue to have excessive absences or tardies may be referred to the department of child services or additional supports.
Tardy Students
If a student arrives after 7:30 a.m. and before 9:00 a.m. is counted as tardy. If a student is tardy, an adult must accompany him/her to the office. Students who do not ride the bus need to understand that traffic, car problems, etc., are not excuses to be tardy. Students who arrive after 9:00 a.m. are counted as ½ absent.
Perfect Attendance
Perfect attendance is when a student has no absences, including half days and no tardies. Awards will be given at the end of each quarter and at the end of the year.
Awards - Outstanding Attendance
A student will qualify for outstanding attendance if they have no absences and no more than a total of 6 tardies or early release days for the year.
Early Dismissals
If your child needs to leave school early, please call our office 317-988-6900 or send a note so that your child’s teacher can have their materials ready at a certain time. Students will be called down after their parent arrives - this avoids missing instructional time. A parent must come into the office and sign his/her child out. Students who leave prior to 2:10 are coded as N-ER. Students will not be released to anyone who is not listed on the enrollment form. For the safety of your child you must show a current photo ID before we will release your child.
Everyone should enjoy our school equally, and feel safe, secure and accepted regardless of color, race, gender, popularity, athletic ability, intelligence, religion and/or nationality.-
At Westlake we teach our students that in life they will experience conflict with others. We discuss the differences between conflict and bullying. We aim to intervene and resolve conflicts so they don’t evolve into bullying
Definition of Bullying: Bullying is overt, unwanted, repeated acts or gestures, including verbal or written communication or images transmitted in any manner, physical acts committed, aggression, or any other behaviors that are committed by a student or group of students against another student with the intent to harass, ridicule, humiliate, intimidate, or harm the other targeted student and create for the targeted student an objectively hostile school environment that:
(1) Places the targeted student in reasonable fear of harm.
(2) has a substantially detrimental effect on the targeted students’ physical or mental health
(3) has the effect of substantially interfering with the targeted student's academic performance or
(4) has the effect of substantially interfering with the targeted students ability to participate or benefit from the services, activities, and privileges provided the the school.
1. Bullying can happen when a student is:
a. On school grounds immediately before or during school hours, immediately after school hours or at any other time when the school is being used by a school group (including summer school);
b. Off school grounds at a school activity, function, or event;
c. Traveling to or from school or a school activity, function, or event; or
d. Using property or equipment provided by the school.
2. Parents or students who suspect that repeated acts of bullying are taking place should report the matter to the classroom teacher, parent liaison, assistant principal or school principal. School personnel will investigate all reports of bullying.
3. Counseling, corrective discipline, and/or referral to other supports may be used to change the behavior of the perpetrator. This includes appropriate intervention(s), restoration of a positive climate, and support for victims and others impacted by the violation.
4. Educational outreach and training will be provided to school personnel, parents, and students concerning the identification, prevention, and intervention in bullying.
Behavior Chart
Bullying as defined above - overt, unwanted, repeated acts with the impact of creating a hostile school environment for the targeted student: includes not only physical aggression, but also emotional harassment and social alienation. Each of the three major types of bullying - physical, emotional and social – can be further split into verbal and nonverbal behaviors. Each of the six categories of bullying behavior exists along a continuum from low-level violence to more severe violence. This chart is used to show the range and scope of bullying behaviors that can occur at school.
Level 1 Physical (Harm to another's body or property)
Verbal: Taunting, Expressing physical superiority
Nonverbal: Making threatening gestures, Defacing property, pushing/shoving, Taking small items from others
Level 1 Emotional (Harm to another's self-worth)
Verbal: Insulting remarks, Calling names, Teasing about possessions, clothes, Saying someone has germs or is unclean
Nonverbal: Taunting, Expressing physical superiority
Level 1 Social (Harm to another's group acceptance)
Verbal: Making threatening gestures, Defacing property, Pushing/shoving, Taking small items from others
Nonverbal: Insulting remarks, Calling names, Teasing about possessions, clothes, Saying someone has germs or is unclean
Level 2 Physical (Harm to another's body or property)
Verbal: Threatening physical harm, Blaming target student
Nonverbal: Damaging property, Stealing, Initiating fights, Scratching, Tripping or causing to fall, Assaulting
Level 2 Emotional (Harm to another's self-worth)
Verbal: Insulting family, Harassing with phone calls, Insulting intelligence, athletic ability, etc.
Nonverbal: Threating physical harm, Blaming target student
Level 2 Social (Harm to another's group acceptance)
Verbal: Damaging property, Stealing, Initiating fights, Scratching, Tripping or causing to fall, Assaulting
Nonverbal: Insulting family, Harassing with phone calls, Insulting intelligence, athletic ability, etc.
Level 3 Physical (Harm to another's body or property)
Verbal: Making repeated and/or graphic threats, Practicing extortion, Making threats to secure silence: "If you tell, I will..."
Nonverbal: Destroying property, Setting fires, Biting, Physical cruelty, Making repeated, violent, threatening gestures, Assaulting with a weapon
Level 3 Emotional (Harm to another's self-worth)
Verbal: Frightening with phone calls, Challenging in public
Nonverbal: Making repeated and/or graphic threats, Practicing extortion, Making threats to secure silence: "If you tell, I will..."
Level 3 Social (Harm to another's group acceptance)
Verbal: Destroying property, Setting fires, Biting, Physical cruelty, Making repeated, violent, threatening gestures, Assaulting with a weapon
Nonverbal: Frightening with phone calls, Challenging in public
Child Nutrition
Breakfast and Lunch
All students will receive free breakfast and lunch. Breakfast will be served until 7:45 a.m. Students may bring their lunch (not breakfast). Families need to complete the free and reduced lunch application upon enrollment.
Any questions about your child’s account or lunch menu selections should be directed to our Cafeteria Manager at 317-988-6987.
Lunch Visitors
When visiting our school for lunch, please remember that fast food and soft drinks are discouraged and not allowed in the cafeteria. There will be a separate seating arrangement for you to enjoy lunch with YOUR child. Due to space and student privacy needs, students may not invite friends with them when they eat with their family. At the conclusion of lunch, adults should return to the office to turn in their visitor badge and be checked out of the building. Adults should not attend recess with students or walk with them back to their classroom.
Meal Prices
Student Breakfast: Free*
Student Lunch: Free*
Adult Breakfast: $2.25
Adult Lunch: $3.75
Extra Milk: $0.50
Clinic and Medication Guidelines
Westlake has a full time nurse on staff. The nurse is available for health counseling with students and parents whenever needed. The nurse is also able to conduct vision screenings and report immunization statistics for all students. Medication will be given to students by the nurse. Medication prescribed by a doctor should be arranged to be given to students at home before or after school. All medicine must be in the original container. Medicine cannot be brought to school or administered by the school without a signed medication form. Students who need to take prescribed medication must have an appropriate note signed by the physician and parent before the medication can be brought to school. Medication forms are sent home at the beginning of school year and upon enrollment. Over-the-counter medicine requires written permission in order to be dispensed. Medication can only be released to the student’s parent, or an individual at least 18 years of age (with written parent permission), or the elementary student (with a completed Wayne medication permission form that indicates the child may transport the medication home). Student medications will be disposed of at the end of the school year, if not picked-up by a parent/guardian. Indiana law prohibits the school from sending medication home with a student of elementary age without written permission from parent/guardian.
IN State Department of Health School Immunization Requirements
3 to 5 years old
- 3 Hep B (Hepatitis B)
- 4 DTaP (Diphtheria, Tetanus & Pertussis)
- 3 Polio (Inactivated Polio)
- 1 MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella)
- 1 Varicella
- 2 Hep A (Hepatitis A)
K - 5th Grade
- 3 Hep B
- 5 DTaP
- 4 Polio
- 2 MMR
- 2 Varicella
- 2 Hep A (Hepatitis A)
6th - 11th Grade
- 3 Hep B
- 5 DTaP
- 4 Polio
- 2 MMR
- 2 Varicella
- 2 Hep A
- 1 Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria & Pertussis)
- 1 MCV4 (Meningococcal conjugate)
*Failure to provide these immunizations may lead to the exclusion of your child from school.
School Illness and Accidents
If a student becomes ill at school, the nurse will make every effort to contact the parent or the designated emergency contact person. It is necessary for the nurse to have the names and phone numbers of two additional persons who can be reached in the event the parent cannot be contacted. It is extremely important that we have up-to-date phone numbers, addresses, and employment information on the enrollment form.
Parents will be called to pick up if their child has a fever greater than 100.4. As a general rule, a child who has left school because of a fever should not return until they have been fever-free for twenty-four hours. Parent must provide transportation in case of injury or illness occurring at school.
Head Lice
Parents, child care providers, and school officials frequently see information and solutions about Head Lice. Below is a short section based on information from health care professionals. Head lice (Pediculus Capitis) are small parasitic insects adapted to living mainly on the scalp and neck hairs of their human host. Their six legs are evolved to grasp hair shafts. Head lice are equal opportunity parasites; they do not respect socio-economic class distinctions. Their presence does not connote a lack of hygiene or sanitation practiced by their host. Head lice are mainly acquired by direct head-to-head contact with an infested person’s hair, but may frequently be transferred with shared combs, hats and other hair accessories. They may also remain on bedding or upholstered furniture for a brief period. Children are more frequently infested than are adults, and Caucasians more frequently than other ethnic groups. Neither able to fly nor jump, lice are also unlikely to wander far from their preferred habitat. Lice and their eggs are unable to burrow into the scalp. The discovery of lice or their eggs on the hair should not cause the child to be sent home or isolated. Furthermore, treatment is not indicated if the infestation is not active. Although lice and their eggs may be seen without the help of magnifying devices, the viability of the eggs cannot be judged without magnification and a degree of training. It has been noted that: 1) health care professionals as well as non-specialists frequently over-diagnose this infestation, 2) non-infested children are quarantined as often as infested children, 3) traditional pediculicides and “alternative” formulations are frequently over-applied.
Bed Bugs
Cimex lectularius, commonly known as bed bugs, is an invasion of a type of bug. Bed bugs do not have wings and can’t fly or jump. Bed bugs lurk in cracks and crevices and they've been living on human blood for centuries. Though they aren't known to transmit disease or pose any serious medical risk, the stubborn parasites can leave itchy and unsightly bites. Since bed bugs are not known to transmit disease, students should not be excluded from school due to bed bugs.
Students may be screened periodically by the school nurse as needed. Jackets, clothing, backpacks and shoes may be inspected or laundered depending upon each individual case. Parents will be notified and educated regarding prevention and treatment.
Please notify the school office at (317)988.6900 of changes in address or phone numbers as soon as possible. Please provide a copy of a utility bill, charge bill or lease to the school office with your current address listed. Accurate records are important so that the school can notify parents in case of an emergency.
Westlake sets a goal each year to conference with 100% of our families during the October Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences. When conferences are scheduled, it is important to keep your scheduled conference time and participate in the discussion with your child and his/her teacher.
If the need arises for you to conference at additional times throughout the school year with your child’s teacher, please feel free to contact him/her. You can call, send a ParentSquare message or send a note with your child for your specific request. Please include suggestions for convenient times for you. This will assist the teacher in establishing a mutually acceptable time for both of you. Remember that teachers may be unable to make calls during the day and may need to wait until children are dismissed. The teacher will respond to your request as soon as possible. For expectations on classroom visitation, please see the “Communication: Visit” section in this Family Guide.
The bulk of communication will come through the ParentSquare App. All parents should download and utilize this app. The school newsletter will be delivered this way and provides at times easier access to communication. Teachers should respond within 24 hours Monday through Friday during a typical school week.
Although each classroom is equipped with a telephone, children are permitted to use the telephone only with teacher permission for an emergency situation. Staff members will not answer their classroom phone during instruction. A staff member must grant permission for the student to use the phone. Forgotten papers, instruments, practice, and game uniforms, or school materials do not constitute an emergency.
Unless current health restrictions do not allow it, parents/guardians are always welcome to visit their child’s classroom. As a courtesy to the students and teachers, an appointment needs to be made for your visit. Please note: Your child’s teacher welcomes the opportunity to discuss any questions or concerns you might have regarding your child. However, classroom visits are not a time for parent/teacher conferences. You may set up a mutually agreed upon time should you want a conference.
- Contacting the teacher in advance is expected.
- Preschool age children and younger should remain at home during your classroom visit.
- While visiting, the parent is expected to honor the learning environment by following the rules and procedures. Administrators may choose to join parents for classroom visits.
- All visitors must report to the office, bring a current picture ID to sign in and receive an identification tag.
- Visitors should only visit areas where they have signed in to visit. The office must be able to locate visitors if the need arises.
- SafeVisitor™ software is used in each building to provide a safe environment. Please make sure you have your ID ready to scan upon arrival.
- Arrival and dismissal times are not appropriate for visiting with teachers. Our day begins with learning at 7:30 am and teachers are focused on beginning the school day with their students. If you would like to speak with the teacher, you may send a note with your child, send a ParentSquare or leave a voicemail for the teacher to contact you.
- Teacher work hours are from 7:10 a.m. until 3:10 p.m. If the classroom teacher is unavailable please leave a message and the teacher should contact you within 24 hours of receiving the message.
Delayed and Emergency Closing of School
It may become necessary to close school because of inclement weather or emergency situations. As a practice, instruction is offered and schools are kept open as long as a learning environment can be maintained. Should it become necessary to close school for any reason, the following procedures will apply:
MSD Wayne Township Website, Radio Stations and TV
- Announcements will be posted on our website, on Twitter and also on local radio and television stations.
- Announcements will state the reasons for the school closing. If the closing results in an evacuation, the announcement would state where the children have been taken and what parents should do.
- Parent Square is utilized to communicate these closings. Please keep your information up to date in Skyward and ensure your ParentSquare account is set up.
Watch for Wayne
Please watch for WAYNE TOWNSHIP SCHOOLS. Some stations may also list us as MSD OF WAYNE TOWNSHIP. Please note: We are not part of IPS or Wayne County Schools. Those are separate school districts not associated with Wayne Township.
The two-hour delayed schedule leaves dismissal times unchanged, and starting times are as follows:
Ben Davis High School: 10:30 a.m.
BPE, CGE, CWE, GCE, MWE, RHE, NWE, SFE, WLE: 9:30 a.m.
MCE, ROE: 10:30 a.m.
7th and 8th Grade Centers, Ben Davis University, WPA: 11:20 a.m.
E-Learning Days
Dress Guidelines
The Metropolitan School District of Wayne Township is committed to providing an environment that is the most beneficial for student’s safety and learning. A broad-based committee of parents, teachers, students and administrators developed the following guidelines which were approved by the Wayne Township School Board. They were designed to reflect Wayne Township’s Community Values. These guidelines are consistent with the Student Code of Conduct Rules for the MSD of Wayne Township. No article of clothing, tattoo, or accessory may contain language or graphic representations depicting or promoting the use of drugs, alcohol, tobacco, showing gang affiliation or encouraging gang activity, violence, or sexual activity. These guidelines are provided to assist students and their families in recognizing what is acceptable in Wayne Township schools. Students may dress and groom themselves in any manner that is not disruptive to the educational program or dangerous to themselves or others.
Please contact Mr. Irvine for further clarification and requests for special circumstance exemptions.
Shirts / Tops
All shirts or tops must “cover” the underarm, chest, shoulders (no spaghetti straps), stomach, and back.
Pants, Skirts, Shorts
All articles of clothing on the lower torso must rest naturally at the top of the hip to ensure that undergarments are not visible in the standing or sitting position. Shorts and skirts must be mid-thigh/fingertip in length when a student’s arms are comfortably at his/her side. Clothing which is primarily constructed of spandex, spandex type, or other excessively tight material is not permitted as an outer garment, unless it is covered by acceptable clothing at the mid-thigh/fingertip length. Pajamas are not permitted. Any holes in the clothing above fingertip length must be covered with tape or other materials.
Footwear must be worn in school at all times. House shoes and house slippers are not permitted. At the elementary level, shoes should be appropriate for recess and student safety should be a consideration. Excessively loose shoes or shoes that pose a tripping hazard should be avoided.
Jackets / Coats
Jackets are permitted to be worn in the school during the instructional day. Heavy coats designed for frigid temperatures and/or excessively large coats are not permitted.
Headwear and Glasses
Sunglasses shall not be worn in the buildings. Head coverings will not be permitted during the school day. Students may appropriately use articles (barrettes, bandanas, headbands, scarves) designed to pull or hold hair.
Hair / Facial Jewelry
Student’s hair, jewelry, or other accessories should not interfere with the educational environment of the school or safety of each student.
Hoodies / Hooded Sweatshirts
At Westlake if students wear hooded sweatshirts they are not to wear their hoods up within the building.
Book bags / Backpacks
Book bags and backpacks are permitted in school. Excessively large bags and bags with rollers may be restricted during the school day.
Undergarments / See-Through Materials
Undergarments are not to be visible at any time. Outer garments are to be worn in a manner which will cover up all undergarments. See-through materials do not constitute “cover.”
This list is not intended to be an exhaustive list of prohibited items. Clothing, accessories, and other items deemed disruptive, offensive, or contrary to the school’s mission by the school administration may be prohibited.
Earbuds/headphones are not to be worn without teacher permission.
Due Process and Student Discipline
The Board of Education of the MSD of Wayne Township has outlined regulations for the management of school behavior when self-discipline fails. The Board has appointed administrative officers to assure that students are given "due process" when they infringe upon the rights of others. Authority for such Board responsibility is included in the School Powers Act and Student Due Process Code of the Indiana General Assembly, IC 20-8.1-5.1.
The Superintendent shall be responsible for establishing and maintaining procedures that guarantee students their constitutional rights of due process protection through proper notice and meeting in all cases involving suspension and expulsion. These procedures shall be followed in all instances unless waived freely and voluntarily in writing by either the student or his/her parent.
A breach of discipline may result in reprimand, after school detention, corporal punishment, probation, referral to special personnel in school, parent conferences, suspension, expulsion or such other appropriate penalty determined by the principal or his designee.
Grounds for suspension and/or expulsion shall include but not be limited to the following: the use of violence, force, noise, coercion, threat, intimidation, fear, passive resistance, or other conduct constituting interference with school purposes. He may be suspended for urging other students to engage in the above conduct. Other possible grounds for expulsion include damage or theft involving school land or private property, intentionally causing bodily harm to fellow students or school employees, intimidating any student with the intent of obtaining money, possessing weapons, and failing in a substantial number of instances to comply with the direction of teachers and the rules of the school. In addition, a student may be expelled for possessing, using, transmitting or being under the influence of drugs or alcoholic beverages. This may be on school grounds during and immediately after school hours, on the grounds at any time the school is in used by a school group, on the grounds during non-school hours, or off the school grounds at a school function. A student may also be expelled for engaging in any activity forbidden by the laws of the State of Indiana which constitutes an interference with school purposes.
Field Trips
Classrooms and grade levels often take field trips as part of the curriculum. Please sign the field trip permission form sent home with your child’s enrollment information. No child will be able to go without a signed parent permission slip on file. Parents may be asked by the teacher to chaperone field trips. In the event that we need a chaperone on a trip -- adults will need to complete a Volunteer Application Form in advance in order to chaperone. Please be aware younger siblings may not accompany the parent on the trip.
**Chaperones are not permitted to drive separately to the field trip without 1 month advance notice AND approval by the assistant superintendent of Elementary Education.
School board policies and school procedures will be followed by students, parents, chaperones, and teachers on all field trips. For a field trip that extends past the normal school hours, there will be an additional form to fill out if your child has a health issue. This provides the needed information for chaperones so they can be aware if medication will need to be taken on the field trip. Please send cash for field trips or pay through SchoolPay if a digital option is offered. Checks are not accepted unless authorized by the principal.
Fire, Tornado, Lockdown Drills
Fire, tornado, and lockdown drills are necessary for the safety of the students, staff, and faculty. Everyone should know the specific directions for reaching a point of safety from those areas of the school building in which he/she may be. Specific information is posted in each area. Order, safety, and speed are essential during these drills.
Fire Drills:
All students and faculty exit the school quickly and safely. Fire drills are conducted every month of the year.
Tornado Drills:
All students and faculty move to a ground floor interior room or hallway. Tornado drills are practiced once each semester.
Lockdown Drills:
Lockdown drills are practiced once each semester.
Earthquake Drills:
We discuss earthquake procedures once per year.
Students will often have some form of homework, usually during the week nights - that may be additional practice or simple reading. Since the major purpose of classroom instructions is to present new educational experiences to students, assignments designed for practice and/or extension of the learning will be made frequently. Additional information regarding homework will be provided by the teacher
The MSD of Wayne Township’s HOSTS program (Helping One Student To Succeed) is a structured, mentoring program that provides early intervention for students who need additional help in reading. HOSTS is a 30-minute tutoring session that targets 3rd and 4th grade students. HOSTS mentors work with students on comprehension, vocabulary, and reading skills. Our HOSTS instructor prepares the lessons and monitors daily mentoring sessions. Parents can volunteer by contacting the HOSTS instructor at (317)988-6942. HOSTS volunteers attend a training session and complete a background check prior to mentoring.
Items Brought to School
We follow the Board of Health recommendation that homemade treats may not be passed out at school. Only store-purchased treats may be given. Please check with your child’s teacher to find out if any student in the classroom has food allergies. An alternate snack will need to be provided for any child in the classroom with a food allergy.
In order to avoid food allergies, you are always welcome to bring in non-food treats (i.e pencils) for students in class.
Cell Phones
See Technology: Cell Phones / Wireless Communication Devices section below.
When sending money to school, please put it in an envelope with your child’s name, room number, amount of money, and purpose of money written on the outside of the envelope. Checks are not accepted.
Students should not bring large sums of money or items of value to school. Video games, trading cards, or any similar items are not permitted. The only time students are permitted to bring a game or toy is at the direct request of the teacher.
No Special Deliveries
Please do not send special deliveries of balloons or flowers to be delivered to students at school. They will not be allowed in the classroom or on the bus. Feel free to save those for when students get home.
Items Left at School
All items in the Lost and Found will be discarded at the end of each semester. Two weeks after school ends or a student has withdrawn, all items left at school will be discarded.
Language Assistance Program
Students who are learning English as a new language may qualify for our Language Assistance Program (LAP). All families complete a Home Language Survey at the time of enrollment. When appropriate, the school completes a student language screening and recommends a student for participation in the program.
Library and Classroom Books
Library books are the property of Wayne Township. They should be used with care and returned to the Media Center or classroom in good condition. It is not acceptable for students to loan books to others. Parents/guardians are responsible for their student’s books, and will be charged for books which are lost, stolen, or damaged beyond use.
Non-Custodial Parents
Indiana and federal law as well as School District policy presumes that a student’s non-custodial parent continues to be entitled to the rights of a parent. This includes access to student records, participation in parent-teacher conferences, and picking a student up from school at dismissal or for an appointment. If a custodial parent has a current court order that specifically limits a non-custodial parent’s participation in school activities or access to the student at school, the custodial parent should present the court order to the Principal of the school the student attends, and supplement if modified by the court.
Preferences of a custodial parent not supported by a court order cannot be enforced. If a request for a court order is pending, the custodial parent should meet with the Principal of the student’s school to explain any circumstances that may result in harm to the student.
Parent Volunteer Program / Parent Teacher Organization
All parents of students at Westlake Elementary School are members of the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO). The mission of this organization is to provide support so students can be successful in school. We want our students and families to feel connected to our school and the PTO is a great way to get involved.
Parent Liaison
Personal Property Responsibility
All students are responsible for their own belongings. Here are a few suggestions:
- Label all clothing, boots and book bags with first and last name.
- Do not bring more money than what is needed for daily expenses. Westlake is not responsible for money and valuables brought to school.
- Each student is responsible for the care of all school materials provided. Students will be required to pay for the lost and/or damaged items (at current cost) issued by the school.
- Gym shoes are required for PE class.
- Items brought to school will be at the student’s own risk.
- Cell phones and portable electronics are to be turned off and kept in backpacks during the school day. Cell phones and portable electronics are not to be seen or heard during the school day. The school and the MSD of Wayne Township are not responsible for lost or stolen items.
Westlake Elementary is establishing and sustaining an equitable community that achieves the School Districts equity mission to end the predictive value of race and ensure each individual student’s and staff’s success. Westlake rejects all forms of racism as destructive to our mission, vision, values and goals. We see it as our role to help students in the journey of understanding equity, bias and how this impacts our world and community.
Recess is a vital part of each child’s school day. Weather permitting, at 32° and above, our children go outdoors for recess every day. Please dress your child according to the weather forecast. If for some reason your child should NOT go outdoors for an extended period of time (3 or more consecutive days), please send a note signed by your doctor.
Report Cards
Grade Level Standards | Scoring Guide | Percent Based | Letter Grade | Description of Achievement Level on the Applicable Standards |
Exemplary | 4 | 100 | A+ | The student demonstrates mastery at or above the 90% level on the appropriate state standards. |
93-99 | A | |||
90-92 | A- | |||
Proficient | 3 | 87-89 | B+ | The student demonstrates mastery at or above the 80% level on the appropriate state standards. |
83-86 | B | |||
80-82 | B- | |||
Progressing | 2 | 77-79 | C+ | The student demonstrates mastery at or above the 70% level on the appropriate state standards. |
73-76 | C | |||
70-72 | C- | |||
Progressing | 2 | 65-69 | D | The grade of D indicates that the student did not demonstrate achievement above the 65%-69% level on the appropriate state standards. |
Not Yet Meeting Standard | 1 | 50-64 | F* | The grade of F indicates that the student did not demonstrate achievement above the 50%-64% level on the appropriate state standards. |
*Note: The grade of F will not be given for midterm reports. If a student’s performance indicates that the student does not yet demonstrate mastery at the 65% level on the appropriate state standards, a grade of I will be given. The grade of I means that specific “intervention” is planned to assist the student in meeting the standards by the end of the grading period. When the grade of I is given, the teacher will list the intervention(s) to be used on the midterm report.
School Bus
Conduct, Safety Rules, and Disciplinary Action
These rules are designed to promote safety on the buses at all times, since the safety of all students is our top priority. In order to help ensure student safety, videotaping may occur on the bus. School bus transportation is a privilege. If transportation privileges are denied, parents or guardians are responsible for getting the child to and from school. To promote a safe, orderly, efficient and enjoyable bus ride to and from school, the rules listed below must be followed by all students.
At the Bus Stop
- Be on time. Board only at your regularly assigned stop, unless special permission is received in advance.
- Stay out of the street and away from the road. Help protect surrounding property while waiting.
- Wait to enter until the bus comes to a full stop, and the door has been opened by the driver. Take your turn and do not push when entering the bus.
On the Bus
- Always obey the driver promptly and respectfully.
- Be seated promptly and stay in assigned seat.
- Keep all books and materials on your lap or contained in a pack or bag.
- Be courteous and use no profane language.
- Speak in low tones.
- Never push, shove, scuffle or horseplay.
- Keep all belongings including head, hair, hands and feet inside the bus and to yourself.
- Never smoke or use any tobacco product.
- Never fight.
- Never throw objects inside or outside the bus.
- Never eat or drink on the bus.
- Treat bus seats and equipment with care and respect.
- Keep the bus clean and orderly.
- Responsibly use technology if allowed
Leaving the Bus
- Leave the bus only at your regularly assigned stop, unless special permission is received in advance.
- Wait to leave until the bus comes to a full stop, and the door has been opened by the driver. Take your turn and do not push when leaving the bus.
- Once off, clear the area immediately. If crossing the street in front of the bus, wait for a signal from the bus driver then walk quickly across the street.
Failure to follow bust procedures may result in a bus write up.
Bus: First, Second, and Third Referrals
Typically, a first referral carries a suspension from the bus for 1-2 days. The second referral may carry a suspension from the bus for 2 – 5 days, depending on the infraction. A third referral suspends the student from the bus for a minimum of 5 days. The student may ride the bus again only after a meeting has been held with the parent, Administrator from Transportation, and a school official.
Bus: Fourth or Fifth Referral
After a fourth referral, the student is again suspended from the bus a minimum of 5 days and may lose privileges for the remainder of the school year. The student may ride the bus again only after an acceptable plan has been made at a meeting with the parent, Director of Transportation, and a school official. The fifth referral suspends a student from the bus for the remainder of the school year. Changing this consequence plan is at the discretion of the school administrator, based on the severity of the student’s behavior.
If a student has been removed from the bus and the office has not been contacted about an alternative route and your student is not picked up in a timely manner families will be connected to an after school program and charged a fee.
Here Comes the Bus
Here Comes the Bus is an easy-to-use website and mobile device app that enables parents and caregivers to view the real-time location of their child’s school bus on a computer, tablet or smartphone. With full access, email alerts and push notifications help parents send their students to the bus stop at just the right time. This application can be viewed on any smart phone (Apple iPhone, Samsung Galaxy, BlackBerry, etc.) Visit and enter your student’s ID and the MSD of Wayne Township school code of 75632.
School-Wide Behavior
Positive Behavior Supports
Westlake Elementary strives to build a safe and nurturing environment for all students. We believe that building relationships is the most effective way to have a positive learning environment for our students. We believe that it is important to celebrate positive behavior. At Westlake, we utilize a positive behavior system called R.O.A.R. The system is designed to promote positive behaviors that students will use for a lifetime. Students are able to earn Level 5 positive referrals throughout the school year for demonstrating positive behavior. The R.O.A.R. acronym means the following:
Responsible Organized Always be safe Respectful
Behavior Expectations Level System
All classroom expectations and procedures support the development of the ROAR Guidelines and self-disciplined behavior. When a student breaks a ROAR Guideline, the school action taken is dependent on the severity and context of the child’s offense. Our school has a Four Level system for helping students learn and support them when they need extra help.
Level 1
The teacher may consider some natural classroom consequences as Level One of the Four Level Behavior Management Plan. Each classroom has a unique Level 1 plan for supporting positive behavior and working on restoration in any situation. Teachers will review these plans at our Back to School parent information meeting in August. Please contact your classroom teacher with any questions you may have throughout the school year.
Level 2
Level Two consists of sending a student to another classroom for a time out. This is an opportunity for students to collect themselves. The student is expected to reflect on his/her behavior. A Level 2 form is sent home and should be signed and returned to the classroom teacher. This is done to inform parents of their child’s need for a time-out. If the form isn’t returned the teacher may call parents to ensure they were made aware of the time-out taken. We do not expect parents to add any additional consequences for Level 2. The only expectation from a parent would be ongoing communication to build and restore relationships and taking responsibility for actions.
Level 3
If the student continues to need support beyond a time out, he/she is sent to another school adult, known as a case manager, with a Level Three referral. At this point, the case manager contacts the parent to request help in getting the student back on track. The teacher and case manager decide if the student needs additional support from administration and what further restoration is needed.
Level 4
The Principal or Assistant Principal will make the final determination if the student is to be suspended in or out of school. An attempt is always made to notify the parent by phone to discuss the situation and what action has been taken. If parent contact is not possible, written notification is used.
Please take the time to read the MSD of Wayne Township Student Code of Conduct. Westlake will not tolerate fighting, disrespect toward others, obscene gestures or language, or destruction of school property. Students who interfere with the learning process will be dealt with in a way that allows learning to continue for others. Student discipline is the joint responsibility of the school and home. Parental support for good behavior and discipline enables us to maintain a positive, welcoming environment for learning.
We value both structure and support in helping students to learn and grow. We work hard to provide both throughout our level system.
Level 5s
As a means of positive recognition students are able to earn a Level 5. A level 5 acknowledges when students have gone above and beyond. Students who have earned level 5s during the month receive a prize from the office at the end of each month.
Universal Expectations
Restroom Responsible
* Use water, soap, and paper towels sparingly
* Flush toilet after use
*Keep restrooms clean
* Return directly to class or designated
Restroom Organized
* Follow 1, 2, 3 procedures:
- 1 squirt of soap
- 1 or 2 paper towels
- 3 steps to place towels in Trash can
Restroom Always be safe
* Use restroom appropriately
* Keep water in the sink
* Walk in restroom
* Teachers (announcing themselves) may enter restroom if a problem arises
* Tell an adult if restroom needs
1. Excessive water on floor
2. Excessive toilet paper on floor
3. Excessive paper towels on floor
4. replacement of toilet paper needed
5. Toilets continuously run or do not work
Restroom Respectful
* Lock stalls when entering and unlock when leaving
* Respect privacy and personal space
* Keep hands, feet, and eyes to self
* Use a soft voice
Hallway Responsible
* Go directly to your destination
Hallway Organized
*Keep backpack closed
*Stay with your class
Hallway Always be safe
* In groups or more than two, walk single file
* Hands, feet, and objects to self
* Walk on the right side of the hallway
* Look straight ahead
Hallway Respectful
* Respect others personal space
* Remain quiet in the hallway
* Walk silently when with your class
Cafeteria Responsible
* Follow cafeteria procedures
* Pick up necessary supplies before setting down at your table
* Focus on eating first
* Use table manners
Cafeteria Organized
*Get utensils and
*Sit at table
Cafeteria Always be safe
* Hands, feet and objects to self
* Eat your own food
* Raise hand for permission to be excused
* Walk
Cafeteria Respectful
* Wait your turn
*Use a quiet voice at The table
* Respond to adults’ Signals for silence
* Use a whisper voice in the serving line
* Give your attention to cafeteria personnel while in the serving line
* Respect others’ personal space by following the cafeteria procedures
Playground Responsible
* Line up quickly when called
* Listen for instructions
* Be responsible for jackets and other belongings
* Stay within sight of the teacher
Playground Organized
* Put equipment away when finished
* Freeze when the whistle sounds and listen for adult instructions
Playground Always be safe
* Follow playground procedures
* Remain on school grounds
* Walk on sidewalks when exiting the building to playground area
* Follow game rules
* Inform adult or unsafe behavior or incidents
* Stay away from unfamiliar adults or animals
Playground Respectful
* Respect school property
* Share equipment
* Use positive talk
* Take turns
* Use good sportsmanship
* Welcome others to play with you
Social Media
Student Code of Conduct
Student Supports
Cummins Behavioral Health
Wayne Township schools utilize a partnership between the school and Cummins Behavioral Health Services. Cummins Behavioral Health is able to provide a variety of services for students and their families including: skills training, individual counseling, family counseling, care coordination, referrals to community resources, consultations for school personnel and others. Should you have any questions feel free to contact your child's teacher or Mr. Irvine or Mrs. Erwin.
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support
MTSS is a process where school faculty reviews students’ academic progress through ongoing data analysis. The team builds a plan to provide additional support and progress monitoring for individual students as needed. Teachers keep parents informed of the student's progress and any academic concerns. If students' data isn’t progressing at a rate we would expect, a team meets to discuss what stands in the way of student learning. Plans are developed and a written notice detailing the intervention is sent home. Data will continue to guide our future steps in the intervention process. This process is used in all subject matters and in social and emotional learning as well.
Student Support Center
Westlake has a Student Support Center that can be utilized by all students for academic or behavioral supports.
Title I
Our Title I program is a federally funded program that provides early intervention for students who need help in reading. Reading levels, ILEARN, DIBELS, and NWEA results are used to identify our students who would benefit from additional reading support.
Title I specialists are certified teachers who are specially trained for reading intervention. Students who struggle with reading progress have small group reading instruction with their classroom teacher and a Title I Intervention teacher every day.
Our Title I program also funds a Home School Liaison who works to ensure all our families are successful and have their basic needs met.
Students in Kindergarten-Grade 2 are assigned tablets and Grades 3-6 are assigned Chromebooks as a learning tool. Teachers have developed curriculum, instruction and assessments that utilize these devices. Students are expected to utilize the devices to forward learning while following the School Board Acceptable Use Policy for electronic devices. All devices should remain in their cases at all times. Dismantling or opening the shell casing of a Chromebooks is considered vandalism as is drawing on or gouging scratches into them. Students who have the privilege of taking their device home (6th grade) are responsible for having it back at school with them every day. Any malfunction should be reported to their teachers so that they can create work order to address the problem. Families are responsible for any damage to the device.
Cell Phones/Wireless Communication Devices
M.S.D. of Wayne Township’s comprehensive wireless communication device (WCD) guidance is designed to foster a productive learning environment while encouraging overall development for all students. Embracing the prevalent role of technology in modern society, we aim to build a balance between leveraging electronic devices for educational purposes with minimal disruption in the classroom and fostering essential collaborative and social-emotional skills.
Aligned with the developmental stages of our students as they progress through grade levels, this guidance gradually releases responsibility to them, recognizing their increasing maturity and capacity for self-regulation.
The usage of personal wireless communication devices (WCDs), such as cell phones, earbuds, tablets, laptops, gaming devices, and wearable technology, will be regulated during instructional time. Students are expected to bring their district-issued communication devices (iPads in K-2 and Chromebooks in 3-12) to class. Personal WCDs are prohibited unless approved by the teacher while they are in the learning environment/classroom.
In some very unique situations, students with identified disabilities may have a need to keep a personal WCD with them during the school day. These situations are approved at the discretion of the case conference committee and will only be considered when necessary to meet specific, documented needs in unusual circumstances.
At any point during the school day (especially in an emergency), caregivers can call the main office line of the school to communicate any necessary information.
At the elementary level, where foundational skills are cultivated and social norms are established, electronic device usage is restricted to educational purposes under the supervision of teachers. This is intended to emphasize digital citizenship, focus on responsible device usage, and lay the groundwork for collaborative learning and the development of social-emotional skills.
Consequences for students are included below as a suggested path towards building a balance between leveraging electronic devices for educational purposes with minimal disruption in the classroom and fostering essential collaborative and social-emotional skills.
- 1st offense: Verbal warning, caregiver contacted by teacher
- 2nd offense: Classroom documentation with caregiver contact by teacher
- 3rd offense: Offense referral, caregiver/student conference with administrator
- 4th offense: Offense referral, device confiscated and returned to student
- 5th offense: Offense referral, student consequence not resulting in missed instruction, device confiscated and returned to caregiver
- 6th offense and beyond: Offense referral, device confiscated and returned to caregiver with progressive consequences
Throughout this developmental continuum, our comprehensive electronic device guidance not only empowers students with essential digital literacy skills but also fosters collaboration, communication, and social-emotional growth. By integrating technology into the learning process in a purposeful and responsible manner, we endeavor to cultivate well-rounded individuals equipped to thrive in an increasingly interconnected world. M.S.D. of Wayne Township appreciates your support in maintaining a learning environment that fosters engagement, collaboration, and the holistic development of every student.
We understand the need for communication after school hours with students who ride the bus to and from school. We recommend that if possible cell phones are left at home as parents can call the office for various needs. If a cell phone is brought to school it is to remain turned off and in a student’s backpack, then stored in their cubby. The school and the MSD of Wayne Township are not responsible for lost or stolen items. This also includes students using bus transportation.
Technical Resources Acceptable Use
Students and staff in the MSD of Wayne Township have access to information through electronic networks. These services offer vast, diverse and unique resources to students and staff. The goal in providing technical resources to students and staff is to promote educational excellence in our schools, to support research, resource access, innovation and communication. The school district expects the staff to blend thoughtful use of the Internet throughout the curriculum and to provide guidance and instruction to students in its use.
***Violation of this Policy - Intentional, knowing, and negligent violations of this Policy may result in the suspension or expulsion of students and the discipline including suspension without pay or termination of employees or cancellation of the contract of an independent contractor.
***Ownership of School District Technical Resources & Information Stored on Them
No user has an expectation of privacy in any information created, received, or stored on the School District’s technical resources. If a User transmits or receives messages on the School District’s technical resources such as e-mail, voice mail, or facsimile, those messages and other electronically stored communications may be subject to investigations, search, retrieval, and review in accordance with this policy or the legitimate interests and obligations of Wayne Township. Messages and other information transmitted, stored, or received on the School District’s technical resources may become public records under the Indiana Access to Public Records Act, Indiana 5-14-3 [APRA]. Messages and information are subject to disclosure by the School District pursuant to an APRA request without further notice to the user.
***Appropriate Use of Technical Resources
Any use of the School District’s technical resources must be consistent with the educational mission and objectives of the School District. Misuse of technical resources may result in denial of access to those technical resources. Students will be permitted access to the Internet through School District electronic resources unless a parent/guardian has signed and returned a “Student Electronic Resources Restriction Form” within the preceding twelve (12) months. The following shall not be accessed, created, transmitted, or stored on School District’s communication resources: Communication unrelated to the School District. A threat communicated with the intent that a person engage in conduct against the other person’s will, refrain from lawful conduct against the other person’s will, or be in fear of retaliation for a lawful act or inaction. Threats or attempt to coerce a person to take an action or refrain from a lawful action. Communications that constitute harassment are defined in Board Policy.
Tobacco Free Campus
Vandalism and Property Damage
SafeVisitor™ software is used in each building to provide a safe environment. Please make sure you have your I.D. ready to scan upon arrival. All visitors are asked to enter through the front door and report to the office. School safety (and safety in any public space) is often at the forefront of our minds as parents,
educators, and citizens. As we strive to make our schools the safest places we can for our students, staff, and families, the following procedures and protocols have been implemented in all elementary schools:
- Parents who walk their child into school should remain in the front entryway and say their good-byes with their child at that location.
- Parents who need to speak with a teacher should parentsquare, call, or email the teacher to set up an appointment. We know conversations with parents and teachers are most productive when both adults can devote their full attention to the topic, and we want teachers to use every minute of the day to teach our students.
- If parents need to speak with their child during the school day, we will be happy to call your child to the office and find a private location for you to converse.
- All visitors who need to enter into the school (HOSTS, regular school volunteer, having lunch with your child, field trip chaperones, meeting with teacher, etc.) will need to have a government issued ID out and ready to be checked. The ID will be scanned and a badge will be printed for you. When leaving school, you will drop the badge back off at the office so you can be checked out. Scanning visitors in and out not only allows us to check the National Sex Offender registry, but we are able to keep an accurate account of who is in our school at all times.
- When visiting our school for lunch, please remember that fast food and soft drinks are discouraged and not allowed in the cafeteria. There will be a separate seating arrangement for you to enjoy lunch with YOUR child. Due to space and student privacy needs, students may not invite friends with them when they eat with their family. At the conclusion of lunch, adults should return to the office to turn in their visitor badge and be checked out of the building. Adults should not attend recess with students or walk with them back to their classroom.
Volunteer Background Check
To volunteer in the MSD of Wayne Township, you must complete an Authorization for Criminal History Background Check form. Forms will be processed at the Education Center and approval/denial information will be sent to the school. All individuals who are interested in volunteering and/or chaperoning for our building will need to have a current background check on file. Forms are available at all Wayne Township schools or online and must be completed each school year.