Westlake Elementary
School Supplies List
(NO art sets. mechanical pencils or hand held pencil sharpeners, please)
- 4 boxes of 24 count Crayola crayons
- 2 large-sized Elmer glue sticks
- 8 thin BLACK Expo dry erase markers
- 1 hard plastic art box (5×8 Preferably)
- 2 boxes of Kleenex
- 1 pair of headphones (over the ears, not “earbuds”)
- 2 packs of #2 pencils (Ticonderoga preferred) & 2 pink pearl erasers
- 1 pair of child size scissors
- 2 large containers of Clorox Wipes
- 1 green plastic folder
- 1 Box of Gallon Ziploc Bags
- 1 Box of Sandwich Ziploc Bags
- Optional Item to Support Art Room: 1 extra box of crayons
First Grade
(NO art sets, mechanical pencils, or hand held pencil sharpeners, please)
- 1 pair of headphones
- 4 Plastic Folders with Pockets AND Prongs (Preferably 1 Blue, 1 Red, 1 Green, & 1 Yellow)
- 12 Glue Sticks/1 Pair of Scissors
- 2 Packs of 12-Count Pre-Sharpened Pencils & 2 Pink Pearl Erasers
- 3 boxes of Crayons (24-Count)
- 12 Black Dry Erase Markers
- 1 Art Box (5×8 Preferably)
- 1 Composition notebook (Non-Spiral Binding)
- 1 Large Container of Lysol/Clorox Wipes
- 3 Boxes of Kleenex
- BOYS: 1 Box of Gallon Ziploc Bags GIRLS: 1 Box of Sandwich Bags
- Optional Item to Support Art Room: 1 extra pack of glue sticks
Second Grade
- 3 Plastic Folders with Pockets
- 1 1-inch Binder with Binder Tabs
- 1 pack of wide-ruled loose leaf paper
- 1 Pack of Glue Sticks
- 2 Packs of 12-Count Pencils (Pre-Sharpened please) & 2 Pink Pearl Erasers
- 2 boxes of Crayons (24-Count)
- 1 Pair of Scissors
- 8 Thin-Tip BLACK EXPO Dry Erase Markers
- 1 Art Box (5×8 Preferably)
- 1 Composition notebook (Non-Spiral Binding)
- 1 Pair of headphones
- Girls: 1 sandwich-sized box of Ziploc bags & Boys: 1 gallon sized box of Ziploc bags
- Girls: 4 Boxes of Kleenex & Boys: 2 Large Containers of Lysol/Clorox Wipes
- Optional Item to Support Art Room: 1 extra pack of markers
Third Grade
- 1 pair earbuds (headphones)
- 3 Pocket folders-1 red and 2 any other color
- 2 composition notebooks
- 1 art box
- 3 packages or more of pencils
- 1 box of crayons and/or colored pencils
- 8 dry erase markers
- 1 package of yellow highlighters
- 1 pair of scissors
- 2 glue sticks
- 3 large boxes of Kleenex
- 1 box of Ziploc Sandwich or Gallon baggies
- 1 Dry Erase Board Eraser
- Boys: 1 Large hand sanitizer
- Girls: 1 Lysol Wipe Container
- Optional Item to Support Art Room: 1 extra pack of pencils
Fourth Grade
- 1 Pair of headphones/earbuds
- 1 Artbox/Pencil Pouch
- 1 Pack of markers -10 count only
- 8 Dry erase markers any color
- 4 Boxes of #2 pencils – mechanical or wooden
- 8 Pocket Folders – 2 Red, 2 Blue, 2 Yellow, 2 Green
- 4 One subject spiral notebooks
- 1 Pack of highlighters (assorted colors)
- 4 Large Boxes of Kleenex
- 1 Package of Ziploc Gallon Baggies
- 1 Large Bottle of hand sanitizer
- Optional Item to Support Art Room: 1 extra pack of colored pencils
Fifth Grade
- 1 Pair of headphones (no earbuds)
- 2 Folders
- Pencil pouch
- Scissors
- 1 pack of glue sticks
- 1 Spiral notebook
- 1 Pack of Loose Leaf Paper
- 4 Packs of pencils
- 4 Packs of dry erase markers
- 1 variety pack of highlighters
- 1 Package of colored pencils or crayons
- 1 pack of markers
- 3 Large boxes of Kleenex tissues
- Boys: 1 Box of small Ziploc bags
- Girls: 1 box of large Ziploc bags
- Optional Item to Support Art Room: 1 extra pack of Clorox Wipes
Sixth Grade
- 1 pair of headphones (wired - no earbuds)
- 1 pack of glue sticks
- 1 Pair of scissors
- 2 Packs of #2 pencils(Ticonderoga preferred)
- 2 Packages of dry erase markers
- 2 Large containers of sanitizing Wipes
- 3 Large boxes of Kleenex
- 5 Plastic Folders with Pockets
- 5 Notebooks (1 per content area)
- 1 Simple Calculator
- 1 Bottle of hand sanitizer
- Optional Item to Support Art Room: 1 extra box of tissues