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Attendance is critical to the success of your child in school.If your child is absent from school, please call the 24-Hour Attendance Line at 317-988-6950 before 10 a.m. Homework requests need to be made at this time. If contact is not made between the school and the parent, your child will automatically receive an unexcused absence for that day. Absences are classified as excused for the following three reasons only:

  1. Illness of the child
  2. Death in the family
  3. Serving as a page in the Indiana Legislature

All other absences, including vacations, are unexcused. Vacations should be planned during scheduled school breaks. Township policy requires the school to send notification when a child has five absences and nine absences (excused or unexcused). After nine absences, you will need to provide medical documentation for all absences. Students who continue to have excessive absences or tardies may be referred to the department of child services or additional supports.